Monday, January 23, 2012

Family. What a glorious day it is today.. pday is always a joy. I woke up this morning for the first time in a while wondering where the heck I was and what I was doing with my life. You can tell my nights rest was that fantastic full of dreams that didn't make sense and some were borderline scary in fact, but none the less I woke up and was sooooo happy to say oh it's pday!! haha silly, doesn't really make sense, but maybe someone of you have felt that before in your lives. I guess it kinda goes with my thoughts a little yesterday.. not trunky thoughts, but thoughts regarding who I am today and who i will be because of it tomorrow. I really thought about the member I will be when I have completed this full time missionary experience and how the type of missionary I am now has everything to do with it. God has given us such wonderful opportunities to live and breathe and have experiences in life that coinside one with another. Each effects the next one perfectly, although it may seem that way at first, it is sooo true and I am realizing it everyday more and more. I love being a missionary and some mornings I make myself giggle when I wake up and my dream land, is my reality!! iIt's kinda crazy.. but then I think maybe that's life.. this is all but a small moment and everyday can be a dream land made into reality if we choose to see it that way. I always think of my old acting teacher who asked if your life could e a sitcom or movie or musical what would it be.. dud my life is musical, sitcom and movie!!! I tihnk each of us have it in our own way. It doesn't take grand things to make a movie, it takes the simple miracles of life to make someone's day brighter and we have hold of them each and everyday. It's all in the way we look at it.
"Even if you cannot always see the silverlining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of light you seek. He does love you and He knows your fears, He hears your prayers, He is your Heavenly Father and surely He matches His own tears with those of His children."- unknown
Another quote from my lovely working buddy!
So Aunt Mel is going to be in my prayers.. poor thing. Scare me silly reading that!! But I am so glad everything is ok with her now. Just keep me posted. And McKenna... ya you don't need to save the details till later!! I'll forget to ask. Do tell now please :) I can't wait to recieve the contacts and stuff... THANK YOU MOTHER!! and pa for supplying me with the things I need.. and anyone else if they were involved in the process. Sonmething I love about our family is that it's usually never a single effort loads of times it's a group effort. We really have worked to work together and I love it.. it's rare people!! So Amber choreographing makes me sooooooo happy!! I lvoe it. I thought about it and she is brilliant for that, total dancer and performer and great with kids. I bet she loves it too. especially if they all get on in a focused manner. And that they are all sooo unified and love it when matt comes. man somethings just give me the chivers of joy and that is one of them. So which AOL group ou talking dad, Aol #1 or AOL#4 winter season? Both were golden!
I love that Kendra, Carrie, and Alexis are my freinds and come over to talk to you. Really I almost cried reading that!! i tried to print off the picture kendra sent me of you and her.. but it didn't work and now I can't pull it up at all.. dumb (so kendra feel free to send it agin.. I'll be smarter with it this time!!) But really thank you mum for being cool enough that they want to come and thank you carrie and kendra for going. I feel like i was there in a strange way, even though I wasn't. Jen are you gonig to AZ anytime soon? You said you were gonna... hmm ;) jk.. you do too much!! I feel so blessed to be amongst such incredible people who show their love for me and my family so often. We are a rare people!
So politics... people here try to talk politics, but they don't really know much and I don't know anything officially, so I just say haven't been there in a while don't knowdon't care.. which is a semi lie but according to the white handbook we're not supposed to care, but I appreciate your updates so you can continue!! I love it. It is so interesting and i am excited to find out. will I be back in time to actually vote? man it's crazy. dad i fully agree some companions are given to slow down time.. but with this one it's spead up incredibly... so maybe it will be with the next companion. I actually feel really blessed to have the companions I have had. It's usually always me making the conflicts... haha real surpriser. But i mean it's a two way relationship and luckily it's never in the missionfield acually eternal... so wei're good. But I do miss Sister Lauritzen. We were an old married couple, pair of sisters. I hope she visits you when she goes to visit her brother in pheonix, she said she would!! Who knows.
So Savannah is getting married. Lucky dog!! that's proper tidy. I love that girl. Ya mum if you could hold on to all of my friends wedding invitations I would appreciate that mucho. Just sticck them in my room if needs be :)
So dad do you mind getting me Jeanette's address again? I have tried sending things for her 3 times now with the address I recieved or even email address would be fine and it's nevr worked, always gets back to me. :(
Matt the pictures were taken at a less actives house in Newcastle Emlyn.. Sister lauritzen and Elder Walton (elder Johnson was there too obviously...) took them for me and ya... we laughed pretty hard as well. Now remember the D word is not bad here it's like our crap, rude to some, but acceptable over all. So I just gave you some pure British humour.. not too apostate humour ;)
The baptism this weekend went well and in a few years I think he will appreciate it more, but it was a trial of his faith and oh how blessed I feel to have been a part of it all. Life is great and the chruch is in fact true. We are so very blessed to know what we know and be able to share it with others. I am having the time of my life and it's not easy, but it's all worth it!! Thank oyu for helping me serve the Lord. Every prayer and every act of serveice one to another helps me in more ways than you will ever know!! Keep sharing all your experiences with me. I love them all!!!
Sista Fili... chchchchia
ps. Today is my 9 month mark. Half way... holy camridge.

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