Monday, January 30, 2012

what a week. i was a little ill this week. it's a bug going around but i am fine now, no worries. Sister Brooks was really good to me and cooked for me and just made sure everything was taken care of, I really felt so blessed. I am so lucky to have people around me that care and love me that help me to remember God's love.
So t Brower... no one told me where he's going!! St. Louis.. Missouri? soooo cool. I am soo proud of him. he will be amazing. Is Amber going to wait for him? and Blake lesuer.... wow, he worte me at the beginning, I thought about writing him and finding out what's gonig on.. guess I won't be donig that. Any more news on mcKenna? Jojo love her and Tyler is SOOOOO perfect for her. I love them. I can't wait to talk to them at some point. can I please get thier address? or the tuckers address? I have an elder in my ditrict who may or may not need to steal her heart from this guy, or at least be given the option.. he's practically in lvoe with her.. he's a toro too :) girl's got it going on, what can I say.
Grandma nancy... birthday time!! I sent them a postcard today, but I failed to put happy birthday on it... good thing grandma usually doesn't mind that stuff. hopefully it hasn't failed me still!!
So packages go to the mission home and our zone leaders pick up our stuff whenever they go to the mission home and give it to us at district meeting on wednesday's. sometimes it's everyother week, sometimes it's every week. just depends, but I am excited for the package and will let you know when i recieve it. thank oyu so much!!
I feel at a loss of words right now for anything but the power of the Saviour's grace. I was reading in 1 nephi 7:17-18 this morning and feeling very connected to it. God answers our prayers through the scripures we read when we ask and sincerely seek to find. I was struggling this morning with a great question and one that I promised I would not do anything else until I found it and God knew it and gave it readily. I am grateful for the miracle of forgiveness. It trully is a miracle and something that is not easy, but sooo necessary. if we can't forgive the past than we will perish. in verse 15 it talks about this.. to me at least...

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