Monday, January 2, 2012

well family... it's been a week since I've spoken to you, but it feels like  FOREVER! ha no big woop. That's the life of a missionary I guess. i am soooo excited to hear about matt getting everything taken care of and to know that hopefully by the 17th we will know what part of the world is gonig to be blessed with the humor and testimony of Matthew Filichia.. I hope it's England personally.. Birmingham to be specific. ;) How insane would that be... miracle yo. none the less he's going to be
Dad I am glad to hear that everything is panning out well for you for this next part of the season, I know you are doin the Lrod's wor and and can not wait to see the EFY portion of the show... or hear it whatever you are sending me! Can't wait.
Little mcKenna getting married... INSANE!!! and Carrie told me Alli had her baby and man it is so incredible how life goes on at home and I feel like it shouldn,t but soooo glad that it is!! I am so glad that Meaghan was with the family on Christmas day!! so cool. i thought ward and Amber would go to utah.. but it's cool I am glad they had time with the family. That pasta dinner sounds brilliant... can we suggest it for nexxt year too? ;) haha
Well I feel so humbled this week to be a missionary. President has been pressing us to ind the family and over Christmas it seemed impossible. No one would open their door and accept stuff, and even our investigators were quiet. I haven't met them all to say the least!! but we finally found the family. And it is a blessing to get to tech them and hopefully they will fully accpet the gospel we are privileged to share. We even found a potential family on the same street. But I just feel very much the fact that there is so much to do, and I am not doing enough. i have so far to go and much more to grow. I jsut can't wait to become more and i feel like this new yaer is gonig to be it.
I missed family, but like that rest of the year you just don't think about it that much.. I mean dwell on it. You have thoughts and they only drive you to do more. Someone asked about wanting more of a break over the holiday and i said, if I had to take any longer of a break than we got I would get trunky.. working is what keeps you. I didn't come this far to party, but to work. If I was partying on Christmas without my familyi'd be sooo sad. but I guess spending time with other families was to some like partying.. but to me.. it was a form of work. You still have to be on your game. But it is enjoyable. I lvoe the ward here sooooo much. And my companion and I are starting to really click and it's good stuff. Sis. lauritzen and i were soooo unified, you are right mum... but this is good. I am learning alot...... again.
I am so grateful for our family. For my Saviour and for my good friends who have helped me to become more than I thought I ever could be. Thank you for my life and for part of my testimony. I lvoe you all.
Mum packages are just safer to send to the mission home. Thank you for everything from Christmas and in the future... I feel soooooo blessed. I hope you all know how much I love oyu.
D&C 101:7-9 my favorite scripture of the week. As we do our part He does His. I am sooo grateful for this knowledge.
Dad thanks for expressing your love for the BoM.. in church yesterday we had a huge discussion on it.. and I thought about the truth it has and the miracles i hve seen from it. It is truth. From cover to cover and we are blessed to know it, if we don't gain anyother blessing in life apart from the knowledge we have of the BOM we will still be more blessed than a man/woman who has everyother blessing apart from the BOM. It is the Lord's work to us today. thank the Lord for the many miracles we experience daily. I lvoe you and will talk to you soon!!
Love love love!!
Sista Fili (hopefully next weeks will be longer)

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