Monday, December 19, 2011

Family Family Family.
How are you all? i don't have loads of time right now to write, but I have to say I love you alot!!!
I am sooooooo excited for Sunday!! mum I will call you between 9-10 Skype. Can't you 3 way it.. I've seen it before.. |I bet Steve knows how and Liz or Bryan could figure it out too!! I just think that would be fun.. I REALLY want to SEE everyone if I can. The username I'll be off of will be 'grahamlds'. So that should be great!!! I'll ask them to check my email for me if needs be, but I'll call into dad's and then we'll go from there. If it doesn't work I have the home phone memorized and dad sent me his mobile number so I can get that too (thanks dad loss of memory... you read my mind!) Anyways it should be soooo wonderful. They are such a great family who I will be with and I am stoked. It's Graham and Judith McKee. They are great and even suggested that they would love to call you sometime, we'll see. I've told them loads about you and they just think you are great!! They have 1 son who went to BY for psychology, now is a very good business man.. not married... 27.. Kendra, want me to hook you up? He's cute :) They love Salt Lake :) Posh :) ... haha..... anyways!! This week has been great full of companionship inventory.... hahaha... we're making it work, and it's fine just bumpy occasionally. No big deal it is a great learning experience and my weaknesses are known man they are known... I'm getting rebuked by the BOM constantly. It's ace. But we are learning and growing and for that I am grateful. this week we were on our way to the McKee's actually for a DA and our front break lights went out. Now it's illegal no matter where you go to drive without them, but in England it's just flat out scary. Lack of street lights and cray fast, good, overtaking drivers everywhere here make it a fearful experience. So we pulled up on the side of the road and called for assistance and waited for 31/2 hours. Meanwhile, we planned for the night, we studied together, got to know eachother more, and i had some personal study time while my companion freaked out. This was not the day to have it!!! We had had a 2 hour inventory session... we both joked God is forcing our unity upon us!!! haha it was fun. She was so clostraphobic (spelling?) nd you know me... just whatever works what's whining going to do, make it usueful and do something besides that!! So I just read and giggle because her comments were priceless and the whole situation was comical to say the least. Then the Mckees brought us the dinner they'd prepared and took us out of our car, into their car and ate it. Thank goodness. It was good. Just crazy blessings of the Lord in different ways than I thought imaginable!! oh wqell. The wor is slow right now, but it will get there.
Carrie- your new address prease!!! 
Mum I got all the addresses and thank you thank oyu thank oyu. I can't wait to hear ffrom you all and to hear about all the family.
I pray for you all nightly and hope that this week is the best!! I love you love you love you!!! Talk to you soon!!
Sister Lauren Filichia
Jen- I love you, Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well hello!!! I love my new area. It is wonderful.. the members are brilliant and sooooo loving. I already feel part of the branch!! Adam Miller the 'musician' in the branch learnt that I sang at our DA with him and his wife on Thursday and I have now had 2 invitations to sing... the ward christmas presentation thing for the public that he is putting on and then for a funeral of a family in the wards grandmother that died recently. He told me after the 2nd invitation now that I you sing and well I will probablyask you loads. I said as long as it doesn't take away from the Lord's work that's great!! I need it. I am losing it big time. I tried to sing defying gravity once and bached the living day lights out of it. I just have no range and the strength is a little less, but I still have some soul. yay for mix!! ANYWAYS!! unnecessary.... It is great. This family the McKee's are great!! We had a DA with them and it felt soooo comfortable. They called me a character and then my companion said I am bascially British.. I think she exaggerated, but I also think Newcastle Emlyn prepped me well. Anyways, we will spending Christmas day with them and probably calling or skyping from their home. I have this feeling we can just pick a time that is best for all.. but we will see. I would imagine that's the deal though it's the length their stingy on. I am sooooooo excited for Christmas to talk to you and hear your voices... hmmm 'sweetest thing granulated sugar' (is that what Tim said to me in a letter once.. I think so... ) My companion is great. She hasn't had the easiest go of it for life, for mission... but we are working on breaking that trend for the mission part of it. I really do just love her and think she is great. She isuch a hard worker and just so easy going, yet not about the important stuff. ... so I guess we are similar in the good ways. we just have fun.. I have realized being on a mission though how much I like to have fun when working hard.. thankyou LIGHT for teaching me that work isn't achievable or effective unles you enjoy it while you do it, so loosen up and laugh while you get tuckered out!! it's great.
I feel that i have learnt so much about why I am here though in the past few days. We have been talking alot about how some missionaries focus loads on the numbers and that is their drive and how it affects those we teach. I have not yet (thank goodness) been with a companion like that. I realized that my motivation is when I feel a Christ like love for someone.. I came on a mission to help save souls not to get many numbers. D£C 18:10-16 The worth of souls is great in the sight of God and if it be I only bring one unto Him His joy will be sufficient for that one than it will be for all the numbers in a planner. Sister brooks said it will 'numb3ers are to motivate those who don't know why they came out, people motivate those who came out for a reason'. So Matt you are going to be brilliant because you know that.. just don't beat anyone else up who doesn't.. just help them find their reason. usually our reason for coming out changes all throughout your mission. So your reason to stay becomes stronger and more profound than the reason you came. Matt did I leave tyhe 4th Missionary talk with you? dude you gotta read it!! it's sooo helpful before and during the mission. I think it's saved under one of my files on the laptop I used.
Oh hey Mum did you get my post about the CD thing? Don't rush it, just thought I'd send it now so you can figure it out before I get home ;p I LOVE YOU...
So that missionary was trying so hard to incollpate your brain... don't let her. if she has that attitude then she's going to get no where with the members. Is she a' baby' or almost 'dead'? either one has tendencies to act like a total jerk about things that they can't control but desperately want to. Mum you are a star though just recognizing she was probably having a bad day. It does happen and sometimes it's all you can stand, but at some point we all learn to just keep calm and carry on..I am obsessed with that British saying.
So onto lame stuff I hate discussing... money... I am running low and things I should have bought but haven't are really important. I need to get reimbursed for a few things by the mission for driving stuff so you know, that's where it's gone... but some of it won't be completely because it's our pay. Anyways I realized I am gonig into my credit card account and I am not too excited about it, but desperation right now is leading me to it... so bear with me, but any little bit counts so I don't have to as much. I love you soooo much and I am soooo grateful for everything. I am sorry I am so expensive. I don't try to be. Anyways, please know how grateful I am for all you do for me. I love you all more than I can stand.
Remember God loves us and if we ever struggle with things in the gospel .. the deep trivial stuff, return to the basics and work back up. Never forget that WE ARE CHILDREN of GOD we don't know everything and just like ballet you have to return to the basics continually to be able to handle the great big stuff without hurting yourself. Don't get out of shape with the gospel because the basics aren't touched. THEY ARE THE PRIMARY ANSWERS FOR A REASON.  The PRIME part of it all. it was the primary presentation yesterday in church and I learnt soooo much. Kids know where it is at. These kids her are soooo confident and the light in their eyes is unmistakeable. The songs they sang pierced my soul and strengthened my testimony. I know this is the true and EVERLASTING gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it more now than I ever have. There is no way to get around it once you know. God lives and I know it as clearly as I know that the sun shines in Arizona. Sometimes it seems like the sunshines brighter on another part of the world greater than it ever will on my part, but that's just because of cloud coverage difference. It's the same with us. Sometimes we have cloud coverage that makes the sunshine hard to see, the sun still shines- we can still see the light of day- it's just being grateful for the little you have and enjoying the lessons you learn in the bitter cold so you can ppreciate the warmth of the bright beaming clear sky with the sun held high. Never lose faith, it's the only thing we really have control over. I am grateful for all my many blessings and especially for each of you. You've changed my life in so many ways and I hold dear all the memories we've shared. Sometimes they are what keep me going. Love you love you love you. Talk to you soon (literally) (13 days!!!)
Love, Sister Filichia
scripture power- primary song- study those words out.. they are literally so POWERFUL!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hello from Stamford!!! it's by Peterborough in England!! I left Wales... and it was hard, but I am happy it was necessary it was. I am now serving with Sister Cerise Brookes from Manchester, England. She's been a member for a year and it will be great. She's a total work horse and is gonna teach me some skills. She's 26 and been out only 2 transfers less than me and I think she might know more than I do... well it should be interesting and I am stoked to have the opportunity to grow. I miss Sister lauritzen already, but I guess we need to grow and get out of our comfort zones sometimes.
So anyways, Dad how did your birthday turn out? I was praying for you hard. Mum I will get back to you on when, but time wise about 30- 45 min. we'll have to talk either calling card or skype. We'll find out. I can't wait either... it really is the best Christmas present ever. Also about Debbie, she's doing good... just getting mixed up and consumed in other things besides the gospel so it's been a real treat getting her to do things.. but she is wonderful and says she'll never leave the church. I pray it's truth. When I left though she had a real hard time. She says she accepts people and doesn't judge them, but then she said if she doesn't like the next sister like she did me she'll just have them stop coming over, it's the duo she likes so it won't be that she doesn't love sista l, just can't be with someone else she doesn't like. I hope she loses that mind set, otherwise she will be forfeighting blessings she doesn't even understand. I was thinking alot about this and how we all do it, if we don't like someone we just cut them off from our mind. forget that that person is a Child of god with some purpose, similar to our own and with loads of good to fill the world, including yourself, with. We forfeight an option of growth that the lord has placed in our path. So basically that's one battle we let the devil win..WHO ARE WE?! golly be. I know that as we just humble ourselves and pray for those who offend us in anyway even if it is just their face... sadly enough... we can grow to love them. This last week Sister l and I had called in one night and hhad to give some meter readings and gas readings and mileage to our district leader. We she wrote them all down and just handed itto me but we had just found where a one of them was and it was an off night and I am just dumb sometimes and read something wrong and it had just been a long day of feeling stupid, so family we know how that goes for me.. I just become stupid. So I read them to Elder Walton after some cheeky comment from him or her, can't remember doesn't matter and get a few things mixed up and really wrong and things I should know that I am ashamed to say I totally didn't. (not going to say because then you will really know how daft i am sometimes) needless to say this was hysterical to my comp and my district leader they literally laughed at me he made another cheeky comment and she well just continues to laugh and point and neither of them did it miliciously, but just because it sincerely was funny to them. Well I started to well up with tears because it was humiliating!! haha I don't get too embarrassed anymore, but that whole situation was a little rude. I didn't want to cry in front of her and planning was over so I stood up and walked off into my little room thing with my stuff in it shut the door and just cried!! Sooooo silly. The depressive thoughts started coming like your an idiot and you'll neever get married cause you are tooo daft for anyone to want.. really pathetic thoughts honestly. I took some deep breathes and offered a pray to my father in heaven and asked for Him to cast satan away from my mind. I asked Him to let Sister Lauritzen (who was reeling from her mistake in the other room) forgive herslef. I didn't blame her, yes she was silly for being that obnauxious about it.. but like i haven't done that before!! Nope this was Satan getting into me and as I asked the Lord to succor me, but mainly to succor her.. the thoughts died down, there were a few but they were a load of rubish and I could actually admitt to that. I came out nd she apologized and we had a  nice chat about why I am insane... ;) haha but really I found something out about myself that night, that I could actually forgive naturally. It wasn't a conscious decision to pray  for her.. it happened naturally and recognized that as we grow to truly love someone and have their best interest at heart that we care less about ourselves and what they have done to us and more about how they feel knowing they've hurt you. As we pray for others God blesses us with a love for them. I thought to myself that's why Jesus Christ and ALL of His prophets and apostles through the ages pray frequently and out loud half the time for those who live in sin and they get the brunt of it or those who wrong them. They too seek first for the kingdom of God to send it's angels round about them to help bear them up and understand why these things happen.. they do happen and usually it's not about how they feel about you, it's about how they feel about themselves. I have grown to truly know my Saviour and at that moment I felt His love in a different way than I have ever experienced. (ps I told that story not to boast, but to illistrate the point and share my lesson learnt)
So family how are you? Heather... can I get some mary kay renewal stuff of what I brought out? the pink eyeshadow stuff and eye primer and white stuff especially... sorry I just realized this morning \i am out... and face wash (not out but close!) Anyways.. also contacts? I will make the ones I have last for as long as I can but isn't there sometihng before January to get them cheaper? I hope I helped it ring a bell for mum and liz becasue I have no clue what I am talking about just that I remember to mention something about it. 
So Chrissy is brilliant and downloaded soooo much off of and mormon.rg. Mormon messages gallore.. so guess who filled her ipod up 99% becasue of all the music we gave her and talks and messages Chrissy has downloaded.... me!! Never thought I'd do that on a mission, but it happened and I feel blessed. The i am a Child of God one of the Mormon Messages has Debra and harry Bonner on it. Super fun.
Well I can't wait to tell on Monday more about this area. I will miss my last area soooo much!!! I lvoe them all, but this is good. it's a branch i serve in. We live in peterboroough even though we serve for the stamford branch. We live about a 30 min drvie out of our area... cool. my home address if you ever need it is 24 Copsewood, Werrington, peterborough PE2 9LP

Hello from Stamford!!! it's by Peterborough in England!! I left Wales... and it was hard, but I am happy it was necessary it was. I am now serving with Sister Cerise Brookes from Manchester, England. She's been a member for a year and it will be great. She's a total work horse and is gonna teach me some skills. She's 26 and been out only 2 transfers less than me and I think she might know more than I do... well it should be interesting and I am stoked to have the opportunity to grow. I miss Sister lauritzen already, but I guess we need to grow and get out of our comfort zones sometimes.
So anyways, Dad how did your birthday turn out? I was praying for you hard. Mum I will get back to you on when, but time wise about 30- 45 min. we'll have to talk either calling card or skype. We'll find out. I can't wait either... it really is the best Christmas present ever. Also about Debbie, she's doing good... just getting mixed up and consumed in other things besides the gospel so it's been a real treat getting her to do things.. but she is wonderful and says she'll never leave the church. I pray it's truth. When I left though she had a real hard time. She says she accepts people and doesn't judge them, but then she said if she doesn't like the next sister like she did me she'll just have them stop coming over, it's the duo she likes so it won't be that she doesn't love sista l, just can't be with someone else she doesn't like. I hope she loses that mind set, otherwise she will be forfeighting blessings she doesn't even understand. I was thinking alot about this and how we all do it, if we don't like someone we just cut them off from our mind. forget that that person is a Child of god with some purpose, similar to our own and with loads of good to fill the world, including yourself, with. We forfeight an option of growth that the lord has placed in our path. So basically that's one battle we let the devil win..WHO ARE WE?! golly be. I know that as we just humble ourselves and pray for those who offend us in anyway even if it is just their face... sadly enough... we can grow to love them. This last week Sister l and I had called in one night and hhad to give some meter readings and gas readings and mileage to our district leader. We she wrote them all down and just handed itto me but we had just found where a one of them was and it was an off night and I am just dumb sometimes and read something wrong and it had just been a long day of feeling stupid, so family we know how that goes for me.. I just become stupid. So I read them to Elder Walton after some cheeky comment from him or her, can't remember doesn't matter and get a few things mixed up and really wrong and things I should know that I am ashamed to say I totally didn't. (not going to say because then you will really know how daft i am sometimes) needless to say this was hysterical to my comp and my district leader they literally laughed at me he made another cheeky comment and she well just continues to laugh and point and neither of them did it miliciously, but just because it sincerely was funny to them. Well I started to well up with tears because it was humiliating!! haha I don't get too embarrassed anymore, but that whole situation was a little rude. I didn't want to cry in front of her and planning was over so I stood up and walked off into my little room thing with my stuff in it shut the door and just cried!! Sooooo silly. The depressive thoughts started coming like your an idiot and you'll neever get married cause you are tooo daft for anyone to want.. really pathetic thoughts honestly. I took some deep breathes and offered a pray to my father in heaven and asked for Him to cast satan away from my mind. I asked Him to let Sister Lauritzen (who was reeling from her mistake in the other room) forgive herslef. I didn't blame her, yes she was silly for being that obnauxious about it.. but like i haven't done that before!! Nope this was Satan getting into me and as I asked the Lord to succor me, but mainly to succor her.. the thoughts died down, there were a few but they were a load of rubish and I could actually admitt to that. I came out nd she apologized and we had a  nice chat about why I am insane... ;) haha but really I found something out about myself that night, that I could actually forgive naturally. It wasn't a conscious decision to pray  for her.. it happened naturally and recognized that as we grow to truly love someone and have their best interest at heart that we care less about ourselves and what they have done to us and more about how they feel knowing they've hurt you. As we pray for others God blesses us with a love for them. I thought to myself that's why Jesus Christ and ALL of His prophets and apostles through the ages pray frequently and out loud half the time for those who live in sin and they get the brunt of it or those who wrong them. They too seek first for the kingdom of God to send it's angels round about them to help bear them up and understand why these things happen.. they do happen and usually it's not about how they feel about you, it's about how they feel about themselves. I have grown to truly know my Saviour and at that moment I felt His love in a different way than I have ever experienced. (ps I told that story not to boast, but to illistrate the point and share my lesson learnt)
So family how are you? Heather... can I get some mary kay renewal stuff of what I brought out? the pink eyeshadow stuff and eye primer and white stuff especially... sorry I just realized this morning \i am out... and face wash (not out but close!) Anyways.. also contacts? I will make the ones I have last for as long as I can but isn't there sometihng before January to get them cheaper? I hope I helped it ring a bell for mum and liz becasue I have no clue what I am talking about just that I remember to mention something about it. 
So Chrissy is brilliant and downloaded soooo much off of and mormon.rg. Mormon messages gallore.. so guess who filled her ipod up 99% becasue of all the music we gave her and talks and messages Chrissy has downloaded.... me!! Never thought I'd do that on a mission, but it happened and I feel blessed. The i am a Child of God one of the Mormon Messages has Debra and harry Bonner on it. Super fun.
Well I can't wait to tell on Monday more about this area. I will miss my last area soooo much!!! I lvoe them all, but this is good. it's a branch i serve in. We live in peterboroough even though we serve for the stamford branch. We live about a 30 min drvie out of our area... cool. my home address if you ever need it is 24 Copsewood, Werrington, peterborough PE2 9LP

Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh happy thanksgiving family... again.. haha hope yours was good. They don't celebrate it here actually and on thursday we thought ahh maybe the bishop's wife will treat us well, she forgot, because we forgot to call her so we had a tradition English breakfast for dinner very nice.Which was fab. Yes bishop did take the mick out of me.. which deos mean he jokes around with me alot.. it's like Bryan humor really, so I feel right at home bantering with the bishop. He threw a ball at me last week, did I tell you that? I threw it back so we're even. 
For district meeting we had a 'pot luck' thanksgiving meal. It was really great. We walk in and our district leader had a table and chairs and cuttlery and plates all out with flowers in the middle of the table. So cute. We did the normal go around the table and tell us all what you are grateful for this year, it was really great. We are like a little family in the district and I love it. I have really gained an appreciation for the elders i serve around (there's not other sisters besides us in the district, so don't think I am prejudice or.. boy crazy... umm no.) But we also played some indoor football .. just with chairs and one little game to decide who did what for district meeting, it was fun. But ANYWAYS, on to other things like YOUR thanksgiving. I got to read most of mum and dad's emails today.. I feel very chuffed (excited or proud) with myself that my scanning skills are getting better and faster these days.. anyways. Sounds fun, sad that Spenc and barb couldn't be there... man i didn't know he lost his job, or maybe I just didn't realize or forgot.. I dunno but man o man, not the same without them around. Are they coming for christmas though? The nativity still needs to happen people!! haha I am glad the stowells and tanners get to be around for christmas Eve!! So fun. That will be nice, no awkward anything to spoil your night and you'll be able to relax.. what a novelty idea. It's crazy though everyone asks whatour family traditions are and this year, I dunno how to answer, it's all changing. But for the better i guess, it's bound to happen, just kinda crazy i guess.
Mum I will send you the list again... Doesn't matt know how? it's cool though whatever, whenever. I am grateful for anything at this point. I am glad too to hear mackay's farewell went well.. man I just love blaine Vance. he makes me cry no matter what, he's just an inspiration. I bet that was marvelous to watch him. His wife is a miracle worker and I hope she knows that!! man we are soooo privileged to be around the people we are around. This week sis. Ritz and I were talking about service and i said i need to be better about getting the door for you, I am just so used to walking through it i guess, I feel like I have always had a guy there to hold it for me. She commented, you must have grown up with great guys around you cause my family did but... - family we are soooo lucky. most of my friends apart from a few that are still growing up apparently hold the door open, or carry my stuff, or just serve constantly. it is a huge blessing to know how to serve and to have the examples around you of it, but i am learning through companions that it is also  blessing to allow others to serve you. I never thought it would have an affect on others, but it does. gracious accepting service is  as good as willfully giving it. As long as you kow how to do both you are on your way.. I still have growing in the first area to do, i don't always act when propmted, which is an issue in missionary work, but I am learning and trying my best. i am very grateful none the less for the examples around me and for those who have given me the opportunity to gain that skill... even if it is minial in comparison to some.
this week was really great. Chrissy is now a week long member of the church of jesus christ of latter Day saints and has ordered her own Scripture quad, ideas for FHE, old Testament manual, a subscription to the Ensign, downloaded ALL the talks from this last General conference, is reading 'To draw closer to God' (thanks dad) and continues to love the Bom.. she did all of this on her own. We come on Tuesday ngiht and she's been on Amazon looking for stuff like Pres. Monson books and scriptures.. we led her to and she was grateful but her diligence and what not is inspiring. You can thank her for anything else i ever do well on this mission. I feel like a completely different missionary now since her. We asked her and her bboys last night what they felt like their purpose was in life and if it has changed since coming into the church. She aid 2 months ago my purpsoe was to survive, now my purpose is to get back home. She is sooooo excited about the temple. it really is the best place. She said it's her new retirement plan.. is it our new retirement plan? We are so lucky to have it, to know it, and to be soooooo near to almost 2 of them. heck we are closer to 4 temples than these people are to 1! lucky, I think so. Well family basically I am just feel so impressed by these people I am around. i feel just like what you said dad, like my life has changed by changing someone else's. The worth of Souls is great and as ALL of us have our purpose, our work (D&C 11:20) embedded in our hearts, at the forefront of our minds, and at the center of all we say and do I know that the Lord will be able to use us as he has created to be. it's not just my purpose as a missionary to invite others to come unto christ, but i am learning it is all of our work, purpose and duty to keep the commandments and one of them being to be a light to others that they may feel the invitation to come unto Christ. I know it with all my heart. I love and miss you all soooo much, good luck matt with the mission papers and if anyone has nick's address for his actual mission, let me at it!! I would love to send him christmas wishes. You are the best family in the whole world... don't send anything by theway to this wales adfdress, I may be moving in a week!! who knows.. I've thought that for a while now. But better safe than sorry!! 
I lvoe you!!
Feliz navidad... I have no cool how to say merry christmas in welsh so I will give you their version in english.. happy christmas!!!! 
Sista Fili with loads of hugs and kisses <3 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Family family family... CRAZY WEEK!! 
   Debbie got baptized!!! Such an incredible event. She was super stressed from the week prior to. Man, the devil hates this work. He is willing to fight as hard as he will for our investigators, he did... he lost.. and I LOVE IT!! but the fight isn't over until the other side!! remember that people... you gotta keep fighting for yourself, your children, your ward members, your friends, etc. We are all in this together!! (stop the high school musical background music please.) but seriously. We are. I learn that every day, but this week I experienced it first hand. Debbie really struggled herself all week and just didn't want anything happy.. the devil really got to her and the happiest person I know became the maddest and saddest... when she finally figured it out (thanks to Kevin) she stopped, but it took loads of effort and prayers!! So the miracle of this event... we went on Thursday morning to see her and it wasn't good, their marriage was on the rocks, already, so we said you two need to go have a chat. They did, but that day we just prayed and prayed that she would be ok. She didn't want anything to do with anything good. She had walked out on us and we were scared. So that night after all our many teaching appointments (the Lord blessed us with appts. and not knocking on doors to keep our minds off the saddness), (we were supposed to be leaving cardigan to go finding but Sis. l just didn't feel like we should) we went and saw one potential, left her a note and still the feeling of don't go. So we said a quick prayer- please let us feel it in our hearts (I felt it strong, but stayed silent) then let us run into someone as we walk to the car and then we will just stay around here, and please let Debbie call us to come by or just to let us know where she is. We get up and started walking to the car.. I knew I had felt something but continued walking and felt something pulling me back.. should have been sign enough, but God loves us and is merciful to us even when we are silly and test it out.. well we ran into someone before getting to the car, so I finally spoke up about how I felt and we started walking towards Debbie just to tract until we had further direction.. not 30 seconds later, did Debbie call and say come over. Now. Realize that we had written her notes and left them not even 45min prior to this thinking we were going to go somewhere else, so we are saying man God answers prayers and oh gee golly the power of notes.. we get there after a little cry fest of gratitude and she hadn't seen the notes just knew we needed to come over and not leave it the way it was.. absolutely incredible. I pray I never forget that experience. He answered us in the specific ways we had asked because of the righteous desire we placed before Him. Everything started going smoother and Saturday, Debbie was just stressed with visa stuff for Kevin and him leaving so soon after (he's in America now.. sad days) but so the experience was incredible, but I wish that the devil could have just ya know sucked it up and realized he was going to lose!! what a baby. haha But yes it was wonderful. 
   We made an rrangement to "I Feel My Saviour's Love" for debbie, just Sis. L and I and it was brilliant if I do say so myself. So fun. We had 5 elders there with us which was a blast and we felt so blessed they came since few could because most of the ward members were attending the temple. Great celebration of life it was.
   Chrissy is amazing and now her kids are into it. Her son Brandon is brilliant and loves it. I could see in him how this Gospel was the answer to his prayers said or not. We asked what the difference is in his mum since she's been talking to us and he said she's happier.. this Gospel is happiness. I have noticed with Chrissy, Debbie, people in the ward, friends from home, myself and others that when we are reading the words of God and feasting upon them, we truly are happy. It is a living Gospel and we must live it and part of that is by reading the book. The joy it brings and encouragement for service and love is outstanding. I know the power is real. We can face any trial of faith with courage and humility if we but hold to the iron rod that can not break, it can not turn, it is steady and sure and only we can let it go.. but that's the thing: we don't have to and for safety reasons we have been commanded not to. Hold to the word of God and we can know the meaning of all things just as Moroni states. No other book comes with a promise that has been proven by any and everyone that reads it and actually tries it out. I LOVE THIS BOOK. I can't get enough of it.
   How is Grandma doing? I hope my room is cozy enough for her. I will keep her in my prayers loads. I really hope she is ok and if she needs it she can have the room. I'll take Matt's in a year  ;) yes, people sista Fili is to 6 months now .. 5th transfer and I am still in New Castle Emlyn... apparently next trasfer I am training however... kinda insane because that also means white washing... but the 2 I came out with are training now as we speak. haha, Sis. L and I are holding strong here though. It's because she doesn't have her British license and has been out over a year so her American one has expired.. so we gotta get that taken care of. Craziness. oh Mum, Kevin Gold, Debbie's hubby, knows Brent Rollands.. from Shelley, you graduated with him, ya? he served with him in Italy on his mission. Small world.
So many things to say and not enough time to say it all.
Loves forever and always!! 
Sista Fili

Monday, October 17, 2011

wow... heather your letter, liz's letter, matt's letter, the package mum and dad, the hunters pictures and notes, grandma's letter.. all of it everyone tht has done anything made it the best birthday ever.. really. heather the subject for yours.. the best birthday present ever was more true than you can even imagine. I showed everyone the pictures you sent!! we went to Sharon's house that ngiht and she loved them!! I was so excited to finally show off my family in an album!! haha the sensa weight loss program.. that just happened. We were at zone conference when i got it and Sister Stuki was opening it with me and we were dying laughing.. some of the elders came in and we showed them and they were red in the face laughing... not becasue i am fat, because you have humor!! ... right? well we'll dicuss it later. I told them you are just looking out for me and must know something i don't know about my future. Just a wishful guess. none the less i love every bit... even the paydays to counteract the sensa... good one. but really... the pictures from the kids and cards.. CREATIVE!!! i love them. I wish you could hear me say it.. so much more believable. man i am a lucky sucker. 17 miracles... yes please!!! i am soooo excited to watch it. Sis. L is too. That's our palnned entertainment today!! I can't wait. All of it the scarf's- worn them, love them, sis. L loves them.. and I couldn't be happier. White undershirt long sleeve thing.. necessary and appreciated, with style ;) All of it.. too much to go on about, just know the Cd's were great, thanks liz!! The christmas cd is ace. all of them are great!! i can't get over it, so I am gonig to move on before you get bored.
This week Debbie Dare and kevin Gold became Kevin and Debbie Gold!!!! soooo wonderful. We had so much fun with the plans and getting everything prepped for it. Sis. l and I got to help plan a wedding- simple and sweet, but still who'd a thought!! The song went well... they had me sing while they signed the registery and her kids had to as well for the witness thing... man I didn't know what to do. it was at the pulpit.. so already weird to sing a lvoe there, while a missionary, while distraction was hppening in the corner, a crowd that only two people really care about whatyou are don't  and the rest are there to support their mom otherwise they wouldn't be caught dead in an LDS chapel.... very awkward. i didn't know who to sing to so... I just tried to keep the confidence and work it all, guess it was ok. but the words were thre and although I was toroughly distracted nd concentrating alot on the presentation thst i wasn't sure about.. it all came out rgiht, so the lord blesses us in our weaknesses I guess. can I pelase say though debbie is the!!! we go have a buffet in the next room after the wedding and she is just promoting the church like crazy! Asking everyone if they are coming to church the next day!! Sharon was there becuse she did her cake and tey made friends, the whoel time debbie is talking to her about ccoming to chruch and how she's got to to get the blessings she requires... dude out of the mouths of babes!! HELLO she gets it. Good thing she is getting baptized thisweekend huh... ya i am excited. She is stoked we may or may not be more stoked... i lveo her. I love all of these people!! i just feel sooooo blessed.
After church yesterday we had an appointment with a girl named Lucy who we had met on thursday becasue a less Active, who we had an appt. with flotgged us. man am \I ever so grateful for that flog!! haha We were on a finding high from Zone conference and the reminder of Elder ballard's promise to us about finding and doubling our baptism's and investigators if we talk to EVERYONE regardless of appointments or not. So we saw her on a bench and Sis. L said we need to talk to her, so we did... she was pretty interesteed and we set a return a ppointment for 2pm on that same bench on Sunday.. kinda nerve wracking becasue we didn't get her number because she doesn't have one... she's 14. So after church we rush over because we were kinda late and barely maske it!! they were walking up the lane away from us and we shouted 'LUCY' and she turned around with her friend Summer. i have never een any two young people take to the joseph smith story with so much enthusiasm. They freaked out with joy... lucy took the lord's (JesusChrist)  name in vain after | resited the experience of the First vision and then went 'no woops' then said oh my .. dog backwards and said 'i mean gosh not the other one too!!' haha pretty funny... at least the cursing came in for good humor for once. Anyways... they were so excited to learn more to read the Book of mormon and to find out for themselves. Lucy had said that she read the restoration leaflet we had left her and that she tried out the 'how can i know' in the back.. she asked her own question about her family and recieved an answer, which was incredible prep for the lesson and for her gaining her own witness of this gospel. They both left saying 'i know what I am donig tongiht!! reading and praying!!' They want so badly to ave their own sorty of Joseph Smith experience and I know we can all have it. We mgiht not see god the Father and jesus christ in front of our eyes, but we can feel his presence and maybe even hear His voice whispering words of truth to our soul. I pray we can all be as enthusiastic about this gospel and how it effects our life as these two are!! I know now why Joseph Smith was 14, not 18 or 30... 14. impressionable and excitedable. Those are wonderful characteristics we should all keep and enjoy (in the right ways of course!!) be impressionable and exciteable about things of the gospel, things of God and He can and will mold us to becme his humble servants. we are so blessed to live when we do and as we do. I can't get over how siple life is when we hold true to the covenants we make at basptism and then in the temple and with every priesthood authority given to the men. when we live worthy of the spirit life won't be a perfect, but it will be easier. Drugs, fags (cigarette's here) and beer and stuff like that binds us and makes us unhappy... the law of chastity protects us more than we can fathom!! drama comes from donig it satan's way and giving into temptation.. ease and a low drama life comes from being christlike and living his commandments.. repenting and really meaning it. man i am learning a life time's worth of stuff and i pray i never lose it!! if i do.. sit me down and smack me will you? ya.. thanks. great. well I love you all and heather shavings of wood they call shavings... cigarettes they call faggots though... it's great we got fags everywhere here. I can honestly say I hate them and not feel like i am demeaning a child of God. it's great :D The smell is WRETCHED!! ya, don't even get me started. loves!!
sista fili

Monday, October 10, 2011

   I am excited for Wednesday!! I should be seeing the fun stuff ya'll have sent me. I really just pray you put photos in there :) I love seeing your faces and knowing you are all so happy... Kendra, Carrie, and Jen that goes for you too!! haha well family I forgot to tell a funny tale from last week that I didn't have time to tell but I must make time for now!! haha here we go, this is called "phone in car":
    So Sis. Lauritzen and I are on our way to District Meeting and need to call someone, so the phone was in the back tucked her bag at this point, so I lean back to get it and it ends up getting pushed on the side between the seat and the door. So I tell her speed up to the round about and then break fast so it comes forward, logic.. yes.... well no. So she does it and the phone flies under her seat. We couldn't find it, so we pull over to look. Over here, a phone is more important to missionaries than it is to high school seniors. It is literally our life line. If we don't answer when the district, zone or assistants to president call us... we're dead apparently... so we gotta have it!! Anyways, so we are looking for it and can not find it!! I mean how many places could it go in a car? right? well we found it... in the air condition tube right under her seat. It couldn't have fit more perfectly. Barely the right side and only when laying horizontally at the top of the phone (hope that made sense). it was literally stuck... we could only see it with the nifty torch (flash light) Big Daddy gave me.... soo... ok we're sunk. So, we get to district meeting and wait till the end to ask the elders for their 'professional boy scout' advice. Pretty for sure we tried it all!! We tried knives... I don't know why... we tried a stick with masking tape on the end, getting it out how we got it in but opposite. Probably the funniest one to do and watch. The elders got in the car drove up the steapest hill and reversed back as quickly (and safely) as possible to a complete sharp stop and nothing... while all that was happening, Sis. L and I were following them with all our stuff.. stuff meaning knives... and we walk up to this spot to sit and wait. I look back and there is this guy laying on the ground .. he looks dead (but he was napping) and Sis. L standing in front of him with a bunch of long sharp kitchen knives.. haven't been able to look at her the same way since... nah just kidding it was funny. We giggled and took a photo with Elder Blackwood's camera since we didn't have one on us of our own. Super funny. So, finally we did the sensible thing and just went to a car shop. Kwik Fit to the rescue. We walk up tell them our phone is below the seat in the air conditioning vent, do you think you could help us out? oh ya of course! how much will that cost ? oh nothing it shouldn't be that hard. (a little sarcastic and 'you are dum girls' look on the face- so the go and check it out the guy looks at us and says- so uh this is a little more than we thouht. we need to take the whole seat off to get to it so that's gonna cost you £10. not bad can do... but the guy looked like he felt bad for thinking we were so low on the educational totem pole... oh well. I am used to it!!) haha but it was pretty funny.
   On to more spiritual matters!! Debbie and Kevin are getting married!!! On Saturday.. well as of right now, still a few things to sort out, but no worries!! I get to sing "From This Moment On" at the wedding.. fun. exciting. Hope it goes well since my voice is poop now but there we are. I am soooo happy for them. Debbie bore her testimony to us last night and people she gets it!! She is incredible!! She just understands that church is prioity!! She feels the love you ought to feel when you walk in the doors. She has her own witness of the BOM and when she told us that the spirit was so strong. She made me gain a testimony!! Her friend came to town and they were talking and Debbie was telling her all about it and her friend said since you've been doing this you've changed alot, but all for the better. Not gonna lie, that's the best thing for us to hear!! People notice. I think it made her feel soooo good too!! 
   At church, the members were soo cute to me. One of them, Amy Wilcox, made me a cake and had the YW and her kids present it to me after church. So cute. Debbie and Kev were taking photos on their phone like cute parents would.. I really felt the love. So funny... I felt like you were there Mum, just getting awkward photos and saying they are cute. Thanks. Anyways, then we had a birthday dinner at the Hutchinson's and Sarah Hall drove down from University in Aberystwyth to surprise me!! Sooo fun. I love that family and I love Sarah!!
   Chrissy our new investigator with a baptismal date brought her kids to church!! Awesome. They liked it and my birthday was complete. Seeing people come and share the joy of the Gospel with you and it be a new experience for them is something that touches my heart greatly!! It was amazing to see her!! She really is a fun lady.
   Something i loved from conference was President Monson's talk in the Sunday morning session. It wasn't the stories or the jokes though, it was his boldness with the commandments. I have been studying faith a lot lately. Faith and works are eternally connected. Obedience to the commandments is the next element we over pass quite often. By being obedient, we find faith because that is how we test out the promises God gives us to the commandments He addresses. Remember that always- if you feel your faith wavering, what is it that you are not being obedient to? Look to that first and fix it and I know with all my heart that your faith will be restored!! Commandments are not negotiable. If you find yourself justifying, just put God in your face and justify it to Him.. a little intimidating? ya you wouldn't probably... I think it is incredible that we have a Prophet who leads and guides the way to us knowing and understanding the true and everlasting Gospel. God loves us and I know it!! Thank you for all you do!! Talk to you next week!!
Rwyn dy garu di!!!!! With all my heart!!
Sista Fili

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Alright family-what a week!! MIRACLES!!! Yes... so where do I start. Oh Dad-Thank you for the  music.. such a blessing! I can't even stand it!!
   #1 Bob- he's a referral we were given with little to no directions to get to his house (in Llanybydder by the spar shop down a little lane of trees.. COME ON PEOPLE!!!) Haha, Sister Lauritzen and I had no choice but to exercise faith in God and just go and do. Well, we parked the car by the spar shop in Llanybydder and said a prayer and basically just said we have no clue what to do to find this man, but guide our feet... and He did. We only walked up 2 lanes of trees (and in Wales there are MANY LANES) until we found him. When we got there.. the place was empty, but we thought for some reason, even though we'd never met this man, to leave him a note. Well, I am glad we took the time to do so, because it was only a matter of 40 seconds into writing and deciding what to put on a note to a stranger that he drove up. We introduced ourselves and why we were there, who sent us and he said oh please come back. He gave us his number without us asking for it and man... God will use us if we but listen!! I know that to be true!!
   #2 Chrissy- we met her on the street 2 weeks a go ish and she seemed farely interested, but was never able to keep appt.'s made with her. She lives 3 doors down from Debbie and we were over there one morning and honestly it took way longer than we had planned, but my heart is filled with gratitude for that because as we were leaving, I looked at Sister Lauritzen and said we need to go to Chrissy's house-it's Thursday and that is the only day she and we have the same schedule- open for the Gospel... so we went. She had just barely COME HOME FROM TESCO'S (thier version of walmart... kinda... split with fry's... I am sure there is a closer comparison but anyways back to the story) and she let us in straight away. We got to know her a bit and she said she has been looking for God in her life. She is losing herself and wanting to find what she enjoys and who she is on her own two feet again and figures God is the best place to start.. yep sounds like someone prepared for the Gospel to me!! haha! So we shared the Restoration with her and she fully excepted all of it. In fact, the more we talked about it, the more excited she became about all of it. She was beaming by the end and as I was writing down the times for General Conference for her, Sis. Lauritzen gave her the baptismal invitation.. remember FIRST LESSON PEOPLE... she accepted the invitation for November 5. I feel so blessed that I was able to be apart of that experience. She after went on to say that she had been thinking about baptism for some time. She told her mum about how she felt about all of this before we even came over and so on... this lady is amazing and I pray it continues. I feel so blessed I can't even stand it. Who am I to have these experiences? All I know is I am nothing, but as I and we heed to the promptings of the Holy Ghost to do the Lord's work, we will see miracles. Many other things to come next week.
   I feel so much gratitude for my Saviour after listening to General Conference this weekend. Let me invite all of us (me included) to act on what we learn.. there's no point in learning something if you don't act on it. Thank you for all you do!!! I love you greatly and am in severe debt to all you have taught me over the years.
   Sorry this is late-mission football yesterday. Blast!!! soooo good. No, i didn't play very much, I put my gabber on off the field :) We all have different talents people .. it's cool.
Love you love you love you!!
Sista Fili.
 All the letters are great !! thank you Grandmas Connie and Nancy!
Rwyn dy Garu di!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Well, What a great week it's been. On Tuesday, I actually got to go to leadership training in the mission.. for District, Zone and Sister Trainers.. pretty cool. I felt really inadequate, but i guess we all do. It was a great experience to be with the Elders and just a couple of us sisters whom I love dearly. Man.. I pray that we all go home and continue to be who we have become, because these people I know right now are INCREDIBLE and the Lord needs incredible people to get the word out!! 
   3 Nephi 18:32 stood out to me today in study. Sometimes you talk with people who know the second hand version of the story of a less active or former investigator and judge the rest of their motives off of that. They loose faith in that person ever having a chance in the church again... I am here to tell you forget about doubt, don't label people for what you have heard, or what they have told you.. the greatest lesson I am learning right now on this mission is that people are ever changing. One day they are mad the next they are happy. One day they are anti-church, the next they have a broken heart and contrite spirit. How can we help though? HAVE FAITH. Don't shoot hateful, mean, unforgiving darts at them that pierce their already open wounds, but send darts of love, acceptance, forgiveness, healing and comfort. We all feel what is sent our way. We are the 'means of bringing salvation unto them.' Jesus Christ has paid for them and counsels us to 'not cast him out of your synagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent and come unto me with full purpose of heart and I shall heal them;' I am grateful our Saviour and Redeemer has and will heal us and those around us. We are ever changing and it is one of the greatest miracles of all that we can change. We don't have to sit in remorse all our lives over the many mistakes which we have made today.. because tomorrow is new and Christ beckons. Come what may.
   I am grateful for all of this. I know that God lives. I know the scriptures are true and that Joseph SMITH WAS THE PROPHET THAT WAS CALLED TO LEAD THE RESTORATION OF THE CHURCH..woops caps sorry. Last night, we had some time with Debbie and Kevin who I think are gonna get married while I am still in this area which also means she'll be getting baptized while I am here too!! oh ya.... let it be!!! But it hasn't happened yet... but talk about change... that was not the story 4-5 days a ago!! I love it. Well, we watched the Restoration DVD with them last night and Debbie's son Paul who is 30+ something was in the room watching it with us.. He was captivated the entire time. He'd never heard about any of this, since he just got there for holiday (but he might be here a while becuse apparently he does that) ANYWAYS, after we were talking to Debbie about the film. she then looked over at Paul and asked him a question about it.. he responded well, but it got his mind thinking even more. We talked about feeling the Spirit which leads us to what happened a little later with him. As he left the room, Sister Lauritzen asked if he would like a copy of the Book of Mormon and he said yes. When she went to go give it to him he said thank you so much for bringing that DVD over. Apparently he has been having a terrible tooth ache and the pain was getting worse, but during the movie all the pain subsided until right after it. He said I know I felt the Spirit because I feel so much more love inside than I have in a long time. He was beaming. People: this Gospel is true!! it brings the LIGHT out in our eyes!!! It is pretty remarkable how things are going with this family. Little by little they are all changing and becoming better. I don't know who will end up joining the church besides Debbie, but I pray that Paul will.. that he will take the witness given to him and drive it home!! Man, I love it.
   Oh by the way, we have a dvd player... so if you have an Extra Testaments.. always useful for missionary work, or if the family wants to make a video for me... it's allowed. Just sayin'..... haha I love it.
   Chris and Irene Monson sent me a birthday card and it made my day!!! Holy cow, what kind people they are for remembering. Post (mail) really is my soul's sincere desire. :) 
   Mum, I got your letter and the pictures!! I loved it. Thank you. So good to hear Matt is just a baller when it comes to scripture study in the morning. You will make a fine missionary with skills like that!! I can tell you are becoming who you need to be!!  Dad, you are brilliant for having Heather help you with costuming or shopping for stuff, I mean if you want deals might as well take the queen with you... I bet that was fun!! I am glad to hear all is well. I think of you often. Thank you Grandma Connie for money always.. your letters are so uplifting and raise my spirits constantly. I will try to always reply. 
   Dad- idea for devo's and helping these kids share the Gospel as members of Light but more so as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... PREACH MY GOSPEL. Study it yourself and share what you learn with them, encourage them to study it and have devo's come from it. It truly is inspired not only for missionaries but for members of this church. Every member a missionary and if that is what this group is about.. let's get them to it!! Maybe it could help bring some more spirit in and weed the drama out!! Who knows, trust God and follow Him. Use the resources given and miracles will happen!! I see them everyday, in the small and simple things. I love you all and anything I miss will be in a letter soon to go home.. oh mum birthday stuff go ahead and send it here if you want, but packages should go to the mission home so no matter where I am i'll get it.. but if it comes before oct. 25 ish, I will be in Wales still :D  So does that answer your question? Hope so!! Welp, I love you all. The Plan of Salvation is the greatest miracle of all to our family. Tim is on my mind and in my heart. I pray that this week you will prepare to listen to the words of the Lord through His prophets seers and revelators. Do anything you can to have the Spirit with you long before it even happens so you will gain the answers you need to know when you are questioned. God knows all and He is excited to speak to each of us individually this next weekend. I am stoked!!! it's gonna be the!!!
    oh, so Wayne Williamson who is a recent convert, less active who we work with a lot texted us last night and said he was watching something with Katy Perry and that I look like her... his words not mine... I kind of wanted to call him psycho but we can't text back and it was too late to call and... well that's just silly. But what do you think? I don't even know if I could tell you who she is if I saw a poster of her... so I don't really know what she looks like, just that boys like her.. alot.... which also makes me wonder if he's just a psycho.. anyways leave you to it to figure it out for me!! I love you super mucho!! have the best week ever!!!! for real.
Tada butt!!! Nosta!!
Rwyn dy garu di!! <3
Sista Fili

Monday, September 19, 2011

  Well it hasn't been too long since I last wrote you, but I am still soooooo exhausted and ready for this P-day once again. Man, my energy is running out... actually it's not. I am working hard though and I love the fact that I am absolutely exhausted. It is a great feeling!!
    Well this last part of the week was great. We spoke with Sharon and Josh and they are not off board, but they know it's something they need in life and someday will take the step. For now, they just need to learn more so they can understand better and gain more faith to take the steps necessary to go from the dark pathway to the light. The gospel is not always easy to live, but it is worth it. I know it is worth it. I think all the time of the dumb things I have done that have taken me away even a little from God and those times were the hardest in my life. I couldn't hardly cope with myself. I didn't like myself. But through trials that I have faced, I learned if I went to God and putting it all on Him, He has blesses me with confidence to get through the trial.. hmmm wonder why. What was missing before? The Divine Being who took upon Him all that I was gonig through so he could know how to succor me at that time.. I was not using this resource to my benefit.. silly Sister Filichia!! Man, oh how I want these people we teach to understand what I now know through experience, but because of God's love they will have the opportunity to have the experience as well, on their own time with plenty of chances given to them along the way... let's all just make a pack that we will take the first chance given to us and learn so that all the other times can be super easy in comparison!!
   Debbie is doing well. The girl knows baptism is where it is at and that she needs it and God wants it for her.. in fact that God is requiring it from her, but she is doing the right thing to become worthy... just taking her time to get there... but I love this work so much family.. I can't even stand it. Seeing someone grow and finding those who don't know and making them aware brings greater joy to me than anything I have ever experienced.
   This morning, I was reading in Matt 6:28-34... I do believe. He says to consider the lilies of the field they toil not nor do they spin. In Laman's terms they don't freak out and go for a quick pleasure, but they are believing and still. Waiting for the promptings given from God to do His will. God always provides for us and gives us what we need. If we trust in God and not in man's flesh we will be provided for. He knows what we need and has made a plan to give it to us when the time is right. Mum and Dad, you are wonderful examples of this and I love to read it and recognize that plan A and B are made and don't always work out but because God knows and loves us & He has made a plan C that is where we need to be.. litsen for it and He will give it to you!! 
   Love you family talk to you soon!! Till next week :D
Love you soooooo much!
 Sister Filichia

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alright family...
   this week was amazing. First off ELDER BEDNAR is the man. He is absolutely incredible.. I was the first one to shake his hand in the mission.. not that that is that great but it was cool for me because I didn't know we were going yet and he walked up to me to shake my hand... so it was that cool.. and I finally learned how to wave my arm properly in front of people during a song and lead for as chorister for the meeting.. did a fine job, they were easy... but still ... ha. Mum, my dress I wore for the farewell came in handy on this day- I wore it and it was great!! Perfect for the occassion. :) Anyways those the unimportant details you probably would like to know if I was home because our family is psycho like that.. and I love it.
   He talked to us a lot about the difference between being an object and being an agent. He said now I know a lot of you go into teaching appointments and have been told to ask questions, please ask questions that see where they're at, not what they don't or do know.. people put on the spot are merely objects, but people who are given the ability to act for themselves are being agents. Every time he asked a a question he asked if it was alright to ask one.. he taught us that when we do missionary work or anything that if we do things merely out of duty, we are being an object, when we do things because of the desires of our heart we are acting as agents unto ourselves. I thought it was interesting all the things he brought out... maybe I will make a copy of my notes and send them home.. there is so much to tell, and not enough open doors in my brain for the stuff to come through in so little time.    The thing that touched we sisters was at the end: Someone had asked a question about the priesthood and it was so interesting to listen and hear about the many responsibilities and privileges these men have but the same thought went through all the sisters minds and came out of Sister Clark's mouth ..'what about all this applies to us women?' His answer was brilliant... he talked to us about our divine natures. That from the our premortal existence gender has always been involved. Gender like it says in the proclamation is divinely given and specific for each of us and our purposes here on earth and in the life to come. He talked about how woman naturally have an outward looking perspective and are nurturing and protective.. he said a woman would instinctively give all her clothing and food to her child or someone else's because that would keep them alive, that is the nature God gave woman. Woman don't need the priesthood to enter the temple, or to gain exaltation. Womanhood is an extreme privilege to have. He said everything a woman has naturally a man needs the priesthood to obtain. Men and woman have different roles, the priesthood helps man fulfill his role and a woman needs a man to fulfill her role as someone given the gift of procreation.. that is a unified power, but ya know having babies is kinda a woman's power... ha ha but we were taken back by this. It was incredible to hear an Apostle of the Lord speak truth to us about things that each of us needed to hear. We are blessed to have these men lead our church as guided by our Saviour Jesus Christ himself.
After this we just decided we were off.. we will be agents unto ourselves and will act in faith.. because it is an action word. God gave us agency to do good things and anything not good binds us to the devil and we will remain captive until we use our agency to come closer to God who frees us from the captivity which the devil hath bound us by since the fall of Adam. I was so touched by it that I could even see a different side of myself after this meeting. Well afterward, I thought I was leaving New Castle Emlyn and moving onto something new.. but then stuff happened this weekend with people that we teach that made me feel uneasy about it, but we applied what Elder Bednar said and stopped talking at people and started asking questions of the soul that allowed the spirit to act on us and words came out of our mouths that only the angels knew were coming.. because I sure didn't. It was amazing the success we had.. I pray it continues.
   Well, Monday night came and in fact I am not transferred, I am staying. Sister Lauritzen and I are stoked.. We know amazing things are going to happen this next transfer. We can feel it. Yesterday was the most amazing day with finding people and I am going to walk in faith that all of them will be baptized one day. It is not about numbers but about bringing people to God and that is why I yearn for all to be baptized because that is the gateway to heaven. it really is. We should all yearn for all that we see. Life is a mission... we are in a lifetime missionfield... lots of work to do people!! Let's get on it!! Nothing can make you more happy!! haha  Anyways, time is up and I still have so much to tell... guess someday it will all happen... I love you family!! you are the best in the entire world!!
Sista Fili <3 (meaning a heart)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Borradah (I may have spelt it wrong) means Goodmorning in Welsh.. very cool. Nosta means good night.. so if I were writing this at night that would be applicable, but it's not so.. I'm over it ;)
  Well family I haven't read everything that Mum and Dad sent but I am pretty excited about what I am hearing about.. Nick is the Took my breath away hearing that he is gonig to Tim's mission. Man, he will have lot's of strength to bear him up, always does, but I am sure the spirit of Timmy resides there in some parts. Man, that's neat. 
   Well this week, we had a splendid one. The two things that have changed since I last emailed though are that Debbie is.. backing off a bit.. but keep the faith, God works miracles and she is one. I know it. #2 Wayne Williamson is a less active recent convert who is like a roller coaster theme park, not just one roller coaster, no he's much more talented than that emotionally... but we talked with him one day and challenged him to go to church with a question. Also it was Fast Sunday so let's try that law out again.. so he did... it was answered. At church he actually participated, which is huge. This kid has aggraphobia... fear of large groups of people... that is church... but he did great. He was happy and I sat with him right at the front and he sat there like a sponge (Mum's phrase) just soaking it all in.. I thought he might leak water, but nah he's cool, retention skills were heroic yesterday. Anyways, miracles are happening and we are stoked to see them!! Wish we were teaching more but there we are.. that's the work, and the people we do have, I am eternally grateful for.
   This last Thursday the interview's happened and it was great! President Ogden is an inspired man. I walked in and he straightway asked and answered the question (without me hinting a word) that Sister Lauritzen and I were festering over the day before about someone we should be teaching but are not because of lack of contact availability. Ya that was incredible.. then we talked about my stay here in Wales.. pretty sure it's almost over. I would love to stay, but I know and he knows I need to grow more and it's time for a change. I do love it here, and a part of me never wants to leave these people I love and another part of me is ready to go discover others who are seeking the truth in another part of this country. All I know is that as I have prayed this last week to know if it is right, I have felt very strongly that it is and that I am in fact ready. I love this work, I love these people and no matter where I go.. it will be my mouth and feet, hands and example that the Lord works through to bring souls unto Him.
   I am grateful for inspired leaders.. I am also graterful I get to see and meet Elder Bednar in 4 days... ya he's gonna be a Prophet someday, even Pres. Ogden thinks so... but who knows, God does.. we'll leave it to Him. I am stoked though. I can't wait to read your letters and write back about how good everything is. So next week when I write it will be Thursday.. yes transfer's already.. crazy I am floored.. this has gone sooooooo fast. not even joking. and it's only gonna get faster. holy tullido!!
   I love the New Testament.. Matthew 5... yes I am still there just plugging along and studying it is the bomb. com I love it more everyday... the Book of Mormon though is my favorite in all the world.. I am starting up in Alma and what incredible leaders they had to help us see that to stop contention is as simple as being the example of what you want done to you. If someone speaks out against you, just turn the other cheek and make it a happy response. Never speak out against other religious sects if you don't want others to speak out against yours.. and most importantly.. contention is of the devil. It only drives the Spirit away. Where God is there can be no contention. I have found as I serve that if you are talking about good things and it turns contentious, it doesn't matter what you say to back yourself up, the only thing that helps is inviting God into it and then leaving. We forget that it's bad when we can't understand why our side isn't being seen or heard, but in the end justice will have it's go.. might as well work to be on the good side of the justice party and don't argue just agree to disagree and have a mercy swim party!! I am psycho... but serious. Philippians 1:27... speaks truth, and it is something I have been working on for some time, and ya I don't know if I will ever master it, but I know I can someday if I do all things in the Lord, I will be strengthened- that's where we find the strength to carry on is by donig His will and believing Him, not just believing in Him but trust what he says and believe Him - just do it. I love you family so much and I am so glad that I have time set asaide each week to share my thoughts and feelings with you. It truly is a blessing.
Dad can I get Jeanette's address and email address por favor ? Gracias.
Rwyn dy garu di!!
Sista Fili

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well this week has been great. Sorry it's taken till now to email, (bank holiday and then yesterday the computers at the library weren't working properly) so it's a Wednesday letter, but it's all good!!
ha this week I got bit by a chihuahua... the tiniest dog with the most evil eyes.. I was frightened. I knew he wanted a piece of me and just wasn't sure about committing to that, but I guess I did against my will. His owner kept saying just stand still and he'll lay off, the first time I could and he did lay off the second time I was in the midst of moving and then he came up with another one and I was so frazalled I forgot, so I got bit. I guess that's like us with Satan, the Lord tells us to 'be still and know that I am God',. then we can conquer Satan because he will have no power over us, but by fear of him we frazel and show our weakness so that he has the power now to bite us... how silly are we that we don't just listen to the owner and stand still and save ourselves that hurt of being bitten by something that is in reality much smaller than us. After that experience, I am looking at the world a little bit differently. It is so simple, just read the owner's manual.
   Well mum, I would like you to know your daughter is cooking, and well might I add. I am putting stuff together randomly and coming out with yummy things for my cute future family to eat!! haha It is fun. You find that members give you lots of random stuff, then you buy some random stuff put it together and walla!! a dish of food. haha ok so it's not all that random, but still I am taking one step farther into maturity land.
   The work is going well, Debbie is incredible. She and Kevin are doing well and she gets what the church and the gospel are all about. She goes to church and feels at home there, more at home there than in her own home.. wonder why? We as LDS members who have been brought up in the church don't recognize the feeling of the spirit at church as strongly as those who have NEVER had it in their lives. She feels it so strongly and it has made me want to recommitt myself to looking for the feeling at church and anywhere that the ward parties are.. she feels it there as well, in fact anywhere ward members are she seeks to feel it and finds it. She loves it and I only pray that this continues. The devil is working hard to fight for the souls of those we teach and any who have not been able to hear the message of our dear Saviour, it's up to us to fight back, and how willing are we to fight? How hard will we fight so that we do not loose this real true battle we are fighting with Satan. I was reading Mosiah 25 this morning and it struck me with all the emotions that these people felt for their brethren all at the same time. They felt joy for those who had been delivered, but sorrow for those who were slain, thankful for the gifts God gives to His children as he provides a way for their deliverance and anguish for those who know not of God yet.. these too can be our emotions of the people all around us. You don't have to go far too find it. I am certain that our Saviour's main plead to all of us who know Him and know don't yet know Him is to Come to Him, when we do we will leave all wordly things behind and will truly embark in the service of our God.
   How is everyone donig? the babies happy? man I love them.. haha man alive I just miss this glorious family of mine!! haha but I don't at all at the same time... I feel blessed to know that the Lord is taking good care of you!
   I am so grateful for all things in my life, for answers to prayers and for the comfort of the Lord that He knows me personally. He knows my heart, thoughts and desires. This morning I was struggling deciding if my way of focusing was right, but then I realized in some ways it is the exact same for us all. But if we go to God and discuss it out, He will tell in what way you need to focus because He does know me. Man, I am grateful for that. I know that He lives and I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and can answer the questions of the soul if we have faith to see the miracle of it.. miracles come by the amount of faith we exercise to see them. I am seeing the simple miracles of life all the time and oh how grateful I am for that. No other Gospel can show you that so well.
Welp, it's been a year since a lot of things and my my how the time flies... I realized this morning if time flies even faster than this for the rest of the mission I will be home before you know it.. which is happy and sad in all sorts of ways. I love it here though and don't want to leave for a very long time.. Which is good, cause I'm not... hahaa but my love for the family just keeps getting bigger, which is ridiculous cause I sure was obsessed with you all BEFORE I ever came out here.. man can you imagine how much God loves us then? Does my head in thinking about it. Well family I love you and I am grateful for you!! Hope this all made sense.. my mind is racing and I am running out of time. Loves!! Till monday :D
oh ps.. President's interviews tomorrow!! super excited.. and next week Elder Bednar and many other General Authorites are coming to visit us. If you have good ideas for a brilliant question for him that you or I should or want to know let me know on Monday and I will ask it on Saturday and tell you the next Monday!! booyah!!
I love you love you love you!!
Sister Filichia

Monday, August 22, 2011

Alright my bright and beautiful family, 
   It's been an incredible week... well every week is incredible I guess when you are a missionary, if you look for it that is. I don't want to give off false pretenses to these future missionaries that it's all about everyone saying yes and excepting- most don't, or go half way and then reject (that's even harder to see) but it is the greatest work. It is just as Alma tells Helaman in Alma 36 about his conversion story- the pain we feel for others who reject is deep, but the joy we feel in regards to others and their accepting is just as sweet as was our pain. I love this work because I am being converted every step of the way. I love it because I see miracles everyday and I love it because I am helping other people come closer to their Father. I love that I have never felt so high on love yet so low all at the same time. Not too many LOVE  you but the one's that do- you take every ounce of it in. Nothing can be taken for granted on a mission, and with life- it all makes us more.
   Debbie has a baptismal date. September 17th family!!! I am soooooo excited, I hope it all works out for it to be on that date, but I know she knows it's true. She is first hand seeing the effects of coming closer to God. She is even noticing how important it is to others, sometihng not even we Mormon's recognize, we just expect. We should always continue to be amazed and in awe of the dedication of other Latter-Day Saints. Even the prophets and apostles talk about their amazement- and they're legit.... sooo ya... anyways what I am talking about is that there is this family from Spain in our ward. 1/2 the family speaks english well enough to get by and understand or at least get the gist of it the other half knows as much english as I know spanish. They come to all 3 meetings and have a smile on their face, if someone can translate they ask for it, and if not then they just feel of the spirit and gather what they can from it. The mother and father of the entire family sat in front of me and Debbie and Sunday and I was so impressed and touched. This man sat and translated to his dear wife so close and friendly the entire time. I told them after I am so grateful to know them and to be able to witness such love, care and dedication for each other and the gospel. He looked at me and said, I can't afford NOT to come to church, she understood enough to know what was being discussed and said (well he translated it to this) it is what brings me joy regardless of how I have to learn and understand it. They get it and Debbie heard it and it touched her. Our dedication to God and the gospel is not only for us, but for all who choose to see and partake of the miracles of another's conversion.
   I am in love with this gospel... I really am, it sounds... interesting... but I am. I am sooo grateful for our family. Sometimes I have different things like dad laughing so hard he's jiggling or Matt making me kiss his biceps... or numerous amounts of funny and other stuff pop into my mind of the family. It's not a bad pop into my mind, I am where I need to be and doing what I need to be doing... you ain't gonnna see me for a while, don't you worry, but it's kind of a tender mercy for me. Nothing makes me happier than to see my family smiling. I know it's because of the love we have in the home that I am soooo excited about my future home- that's why I'm obsessed mum, it's your (the entire family) fault for being so amazing and loving me so much that I can't wait to have what I have that in my own family. I love you and hope that you will keep in touch. Mum, Dad can I get both Hunter's addresses, Ward and Amber's, Grandma's and Mel's address, Spence and Barb's, and if you have Clint's (dad's bro's) that's cool too!! and Heather and Steve's!!! address prease... Liz I think I know yours... but hers too just to double check. umm... ya for now I think that's all.. oh if we can get Camille and Ryan's, Cherise and Aaron's, Damon and Leslie's... that would be cool.... but if not I understand. Is Celeste still at Clint and Mikki's? alright family that I love, I will be talking to you soon. You always put the smile on my face. I'll be sending a letter again today in reply to your emails :D loves!
Rwyn dy garu di - welsh for I love you
Sista Fili

Monday, August 15, 2011

My goodness you wonderful people in my life!!!
   What a great week it has been, and last week Dad's emails just made me so happy to hear about the little, but good updates of my other friends. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I love where I am and who I am privileged to serve and to serve with. Sis. Lauritzen is a major blessing to me. I have always loved the work, but the rest I was still getting used to, I LOVE IT ALL .. I DO. That which we choose to indulge ourselves in becomes that which we love... so I am gonna love this for the next 14 months of my life... and most of it will go with me to love and indulge in for the rest of my life!! I can't wait. I am also excited to read what ya'll wrote me today... I caught pieces of Dad's and the camp fire bit.. I am sooooo bummed I missed it, but soooooo grateful they all were able to experience it.
   This week started off slow... er... but ended ballin'. On Saturday morning, we prayed HARD to find the elect as we call it. We went through the area book and found former investigators in the areas we chose to find in and it is incredible how the righteous desires of our hearts are met by God who knows all things, especially His children and their desires and personalities. We went to 2 places in the first area and the formers were not there, but someone else on the street was ready and prepared.. investigator #1 after a LONG morning of rejection.. and lots of it rude to be honest, but there we go, it's part of the job description.
   Then we went to the other place and visited the former there. At the door before she answered, I all of a sudden had to wee as they say here in this discrete country.. hahaha .. but whatever I thought.. So we were talking to her and she didn't shew us away but was hestitant and busy. She almost said goodbye then I said.. can I use your toilet.. which is something else discrete about this country... she said yes and Sis. Lauritzen worked her magic of friendly talking and making people feel comfortable while I did what I needed to, I came back down and they were talking about the missionaries from before and her family, we stayed 10 minutes longer and set a return appt. God uses our weaknesses (like my small blatter) for His good. I know this is true, I know this story was silly.. but it illustrates that this is God's work, He knows His children and fights for them. We must be bold enough to answer to the call...and I am talking bold people.. haha.
   Debbie!! is our new investigator and she is brilliant. Her partner is kevin who is from Salt Lake and is less active in the church. We ere referred to go see him and his family & to invite them to church because they had just moved in and may not know where to go.. we went and found not only Kevin but Debbie... oh we love her. And her kids. What an incredible family. You can already feel a difference in their home since we came the first time because she is sincerely interested and doing everything the Lord asks of her to the best knowledge and ability. I am sooo grateful I know her because I am better because of it. I see good things in her future :)
   This week, I studied Mosiah 2 and it has stuck with me like crazy glue. Please go and study it for yourselves. I love how serviceful King Benjamin is to his people he resides over, and just tells them distinctly to serve as well. By God's perfect wisdom He tells us and admonishes us to serve one another knowing it is the way we can feel God's love for God truly is the Father of our spirits and our spirits want to do good. When we do, it is as if we do it to Him because we are all a part of Him. He gave us life and all He asks for in return is that we do as He has commanded and then He'll bless us and then we are still indebt to Him.. so what have we to boast? Serve, serve, serve... it's all we can do to return a bit of love for the infinite atonement He suffered for each of us and the life and breath that we have... if it weren't for the atonement there wouldn't be life on the earth, mankind probably wouldn't have lasted too long with all the blood thirsty people there are in the BOM and Bible.. I mean let's be honest. But because He has saved us, we can live.. now and for all eternity. I praise His name this day and for the rest of my life. How grateful I am to be in the service of Him who gives us all life, love, and the will to do good things.
   Keep it up family.. you are incredible and I am soo blessed to have your prayers and examples in my life. I couldn't fulfill this mission without you in the back of my mind being the voices in my head.. Jen you are definitely in there... be exhausted.. it's gettin' there and I am only beginning... so let it begin and continue :D I love you all!!

ps I got grandma's letter and money, tell her I love her sooo much :D

pps... I am excited about the new bishop, but I will miss Bishop Halbert.. who my Mission president and his wife know.. sooo cool. Mormon world is BITE SIZE! Keep it up.

Love you all!!

Sista Fili

Monday, August 8, 2011

How are you? Well, I just emailed you... but hope you are excited for some happy news... remember Elicia that sang at the fireside..i told you about her a little while ago? Well, she went to Young Women's camp this last week right after the fireside and at the end she bore her testimony to say that she wanted to come to church and to join the church basically... so the YW president took her home and asked her mothers permission to let her come to church and YW activites and her mom gave her permission to do so.. Amy Wilcox, the YW president, called me at 10:45 pm to tell me the news on Friday night.. probably the best part of my week at that moment but... then there was church- she came, she loved it- she bore her testimony again to say basically the same thing. After church, we went over to the Hutchinson's for dinner and she was there hanging out with Elena and we were able to teach her a bit. She is absolutely fabulous and we couldn't be happier, we just pray it continues!! How lucky we are to know and have this Gospel. She has inspired me so much with her faith, knowledge and wisdom. Think about the fact that someone can see an example, recognize it's right, hear what others believe and identify with it so fast. She said that she was never taught to pray, but she knew there was God out there so she has always prayed, and God has always answered. What a wise person... 'O be wise what can I say more.'- right Mom? haha
My thoughts have been on the Wadsworth family quite a bit the past few days. I hope they know I love them so much. I sent the package today ..FINALLY... and there is a card in there for them from me. My companion and I pray for them every night together and every personal prayer I have is for them as well. life is altered so quickly how important that firm foundation is. I found a card today that says ' I get up. I walk. I fall down and I still keep dancing' or something like that... but I thought about how precious that is to think about. We all have hard days and times, we have much to endure but oh, how we can still find joy in the journey of life through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Brielle walking?!!! What is crazy to think of her not as a baby in my arms sleeping so peacefully and so adorably, man pictures could be very necessary family :D haha it's cool. how has the week been? Mom and Dad your letters ALWAYS make me cry. Sorry I don't reply to them sooner, but hopefully I will be able to be better now that Sister Lauritzen has the same habit I do of writing a letter and an email a week :D But this one shall be epic and so .. ya jusy love it-it won't happen for a very very very long time. Haha i love you family!! Has school started up again? Crazy. Time is flying and then I think... no it's not it's been just as long as it feels, it's just everyone is growing and I am not seeing it happen so it's crazy. I do get grandma's letters and money, tell her thank you- there's a letter for her in the package as well, thought it would save on postage.


Alright I love you and hope all is well, if I missed something I am very very sorry- a lot is in the package home of questions that need answering. I love you family and Mum I hope you had the best birthday ever- pa thanks for the emails I will definitely read and reply next week :D can't wait!!! tada butt!!

I love you with all my heart
Sister Filichia